by | Mar 11, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
God, the Supreme Cause. The sages of India say that everything proceeds from and goes back into its source: God. Meditation is the highest form of activity. But greater than activity, devotion or reason is meditation. To meditate truly is to concentrate solely on...
by | Mar 3, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
I am coming to tell you to stand strong. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem that people can build the bridges of peace that we all have hoped for, but the division between people throughout the world seems to escalate more and more. Stay Strong by Cdyclopea...
by | Feb 23, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
This is to show you a picture of what you are standing in and might occur in front of you during this and the few coming years. The Planet Earth has been depleted for many of the good energies throughout several years now. The inequality among human people have...
by | Feb 16, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
When the world has been cleaned up for all its mess that has been created for the last many years, I hope you are ready to go forward with us Ascended Masters to recreate a world worth living in for all. Be our co-creators with all your light and let it shine with...
by | Feb 9, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
We are in for a New World. Right now it might be difficult to see that, due to the chaos the world is facing, but as previously said it is all temporary. However, if you can get away from all the negative influences that occupy your day, you will feel there is...