by | Dec 14, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
The future is standing at your door. What to do about it? What do you want to accomplish in the New World? Any ideas? We Archangels and Ascended Masters would love to hear about them so we can step in and support you. Collaborate by Archangel Uriel...
by | Dec 7, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
The world is changing and with that you are too. Either you will be able to change with the vibration or you might be left behind, while Planet Earth goes through its transition. It depends upon yourselves your thoughts and efforts to clean up the four lower bodies...
by | Nov 30, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
The time we face is a different time from just ten years ago. The technology make everything go so fast that you don’t even can grasp what is going on, till you are put in front of the new rules new regulations ,and then it seems too late for even your voice to be...
by | Nov 23, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
We are all in the Universe in a transition right now. The shaking and tumult that it brings has an effect on all of us. The more tuned in you are and the more you have cleared yourself for those negative vibrations you retain the easier the transition will become....
by | Nov 16, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
Music has an enormous impact on the Human beings. It can lift the spirit to a high vibration, or it can take it down into a lower and sad vibration—all depending upon what kind of music you chose. We are born with the sound a sound that later develops into music...