by | Apr 13, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
We are living in a world with no Justice—no common sense with hate and destruction in many people minds. This is enevitable because it has gone too far in many ways. Technology is being used without consequences and the wealth been divided on few hands leaving a...
by | Apr 7, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
It is the first time I enter the Web Site Universal-Light with my thoughts as how I see Planet Earth right now. I have done several dictations through messengers to share with you the view as to how I see the World enfolding in front of your eyes. The picture has been...
by | Mar 30, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
This Armageddon seems needed, because the Human Race has not lifted themselves into a higher-level consciousness that is needed for living a peaceful time on Planet Earth. Changing borders, wars, migration of huge amount of people hoping to find a better life create...
by | Mar 23, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
We have heard all the way to Venus about the troubles you are facing on Earth—a worse darkness than the one I was met with for thousands of years ago, when I joined Planet Earth to bring light to its darkness. It seems it could need a lot of light again. Darkness by...
by | Mar 17, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
It is difficult to keep the hope for the world with all those daily threats of worldly destruction being presented whenever you open your computer or TV. The insecurity of tomorrow plays a big role upon your personal energies. Being ONE you are all influenced in one...