by | Jan 12, 2023 | From the Ascended Masters
KUTHUMI: There is no respect left for anything among the people on Earth. Everything has become big egos who think they deserve it all. It better be served on a silver plate with as little effort as possible. If it is not to be found where you were born, you just walk...
by | Jan 11, 2023 | From the Ascended Masters
To carry our love in our hearts is always essential, but even so much more now, living with the planterary hatred of this age. We can’t let small negative daily details rule our hearts. The vast layer of human hatred that is upon Earth must be consumed by love and...
by | Jan 5, 2023 | From the Ascended Masters
FROM BENT HANSEN: Birgitte is not longer in a body on this Earth. I and other close friends were honored to be present for her last breath. She was surrounded by love. I bring you her last message – this one from Baha Chohan – which I found among...
by | Dec 29, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
There is no respect left for anything among the people on Earth. Everything has become big egos who think they deserve it all. It better be served on a silver plate with as little effort as possible. If it is not to be found where you were born, you just walk over the...
by | Dec 20, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
It is all in for a change—a transformation—a new dawn is in front of you. It all depends upon yourselves what you want to fill this new dawn with. If you have done your inner work you will then find yourselves in a higher vibration that opens up to unity with Cosmic...
by | Dec 14, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
The future is standing at your door. What to do about it? What do you want to accomplish in the New World? Any ideas? We Archangels and Ascended Masters would love to hear about them so we can step in and support you. Collaborate by Archangel Uriel...