by | Oct 20, 2021 | From the Ascended Masters
We all need healing but for it to be sustainable, we have to go beyond it to find the core for our suffering. When you find the core you can heal yourselves for everything, but if you let the cause of the illness be present and can’t go beyond the truth of it nothing...
by | Oct 13, 2021 | From the Ascended Masters
In this time it is more important than ever to understand what it means to be all One. It is not about being one with everybody you meet or surround yourself with, but we are all One with the Universal source. We are all One with the energy sources given to us all,...
by | Oct 6, 2021 | From the Ascended Masters
LOVE Being the biggest tool you all have, when you know love and have filled your heart with it. When you then listen and work from your heart you heal Planet Earth. With your love and kindness to everything you will help Mother Earth to survive if done daily. You are...
by | Oct 6, 2021 | From the Ascended Masters
No moment to spare focus and do all you feel will fill you with joy. Lift your whole surrounding into joy. It is needed. Your freedom is out the door. Fight for it and go up against a system that no longer function in the United States. It is now by Saint Germain...
by | Sep 30, 2021 | From the Ascended Masters
Introduction Personal Story...
by | Sep 29, 2021 | From the Ascended Masters
As never before Planet Earth is in need of even more light through which the truth can be revealed. Most of Humanity is living in darkness with lies and illusions. Light by Serapis Bey It...