by | Sep 12, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
It has come to my knowledge that many of the great Ascended Masters have tried to guide and to warn you as to what is standing in front of you. Not many seems to take those warnings seriously or do something about it to protect themselves. What is happening right now...
by | Sep 6, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
It has to stop! The creation of Artificial Intelligence has expanded far beyond Human Intelligence, and if you don’t stop it, it will take over Planet Earth.The Human Race would thereby go extinct. Stop it now while you can. Artificial Intelligence by Mother Omega...
by | Sep 1, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
The door is slowly open up to give light to a New Beginning with equality and hope for Mother Earth. We have to stand together all of us from Kingdom of Heave to Planet Earth and make it happen. To do so we have to ask of you all to work and clean up your four lower...
by | Aug 24, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
It seems to get worse—and so it is! You will have to establish your small groups that can step in and help each other in a chaotic time—stay together and let it pass. Everything in life is temporarily. Seize the good moments and hang on to those. They will be back....
by | Aug 17, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
Hello to all of you, who follows our website with Universal Light—a light needed to get over Planet Earth to start clean it up and make it possible for Mother Earth to recover all her wounds that you the Human Race has put upon her for many years. Enough is enough it...
by | Aug 11, 2022 | From the Ascended Masters
Planet Earth has been moving and been repositioned in the Universe. The effect on the Earth is tremendous. The vibration stronger than ever before. So for the Human Race to survive on Earth they need to enter a transition into higher vibrations and higher...