To carry our love in our hearts is always essential, but even so much more now, living with the planterary hatred of this age. We can’t let small negative daily details rule our hearts.
The vast layer of human hatred that is upon Earth must be consumed by love and placed into a fire. This wall of hatred generated by mankind separates people not only from understanding but also from love.
Many of us live on a superficial level, being the easiest way of living. Hanging on to a thread we think is love, because we crave love. A love that might only be an illusion.
We don’t look in to see what we cosnists of. A heart and a mind. Often the intellectual mind overrides the heart. It is said there is a long way between the heart and the mind to unite.
If we try to look deeper than just to the teeth of a person we might find a beautiful heart. Then we can go beyond the verbal word and just be.
In unconditional love there is no conflict, no doubts because we know not only our own heart, but also the true heart of the other person, through activities, attitudes and behaviors.
Love is born by understanding.
Feeling a deep love makes us peaceful.
Love implies vulnerability, so when there is fear, love can’t thrive.
As Krishnamurti said:” Love is a state of being, and in that state possession is absent”.
Dear Bent…thank you for being with and helping Birgitte in her quest to transform our present day world one heart at a time, one smile at a time. Though we never met, I know without a doubt, that you were a rock for her and I’m so grateful for your giving us the words of guidance she noted and left to guide us daily, weekly.