When ready to Ascend after having past the different tests you are sent off in light.

The more you have cleaned up your four lower bodies from Anger, Hatred, Jealousy, Greed, the higher the light will carry you.

But it is important that you have done the work, so you don’t get stuck between Heaven and Earth as so many are.

If you have a desire to start working on your future Ascension and be taught the tests involved then you are welcome to call upon me, so I can help you to be guided through.

You cannot start early enough, because it might take years before you are done with the cleansing of yourselves and gone through the tests it takes.

So I encourage you to start the work and look upon yourselves where are you standing in all of this.

Is there jalousie, anger or any of those dark energies within in?

They stop the light to penetrate you – and the channel all the way up to Heaven will be blocked.

So please start take your time and in meditation look upon yourself and what you need to work on.

I am here at your service to help you come through.

So call upon me.